Job stress can be caused by a number of conditions. These include corporate culture, interpersonal relationships, roles and responsibilities on the job, how work tasks are designed, career concerns, and environmental conditions. If your workplace seems stressful, you can try to reduce it by considering the following:
• Ensure that the workload is in line with workers’ capabilities and resources.
• Design jobs to provide meaning, stimulation, and opportunities for workers to use their skills.
• Clearly define workers’ roles and responsibilities and provide opportunities to participate in decisions and actions affecting their jobs.
• Improve communications and reduce uncertainty about career development and future employment prospects.
• Provide opportunities for social interaction.
• Establish work schedules compatible with demands and responsibilities outside the job.
• Identify and promote strategies for employees to use to reduce stress day to day. These include recognizing the symptoms of stress, exercising, eating right and getting enough rest, learning and practicing relaxation techniques, talking things out with someone, and having a good laugh.
Being vigilant and paying attention to individuals and the environment can help you create a healthy workplace.
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