By roatha007
Thai defense ministry has warned Cambodia of possible arms conflicts if it seeks for world heritage status over Preah Vihear unilaterally. The act is a blunt threat and clearly shows that the arrogant country still attempts to control the temple nearly half a century after their defeat at the International Court. The case is an embarrassment for over-proud Thailand.
Why on earth should Cambodia needs approval from Thailand for its temple status. They have been encroaching the area almost up to the temple ladder. Ironically, they are afraid that their territory may be annexed by Cambodia if the status is approved (sic). Their border concern is just an excuse to disrupt the bidding process. Preah Vihear's status has nothing to do with Thailand. UNESCO designation has nothing to do with a country's boundary. Demarcation and marginal issues could be solved latter. Behind the scene, Thai gov't just want to flex their muscle to show that they are nationalist to compensate their shameful defeat. If the iconic, mountain-top temple is voted a world heritage site, their identity ( territory and culture) will be in question because the temple is too closed to their border. The entrance faces Thailand and is accessible only from its side. Some related temples are on Thai soil. Previously, it has voiced concern about the historical and topographical aspects of the temple: It shifted the attention to border issue instead to gain more legitimacy.
What else they want to prove or deceive the world while researchers around the globe know Thailand was originally a part of Khmer empire. It will also be a shame if the Cambodian government can't build a road to the temple from our side. It seems that we are so inferior that our historic monument doesn't deserve the status.
PS: The link to the original article on Bangkokpost's website is not available now. Maybe they deleted it to avoid serious troubles. Here is the facts from the Nation I have just found, which is a blow for the military.
The same Thai defense ministry has just withdrawn the comment, saying that was just personal opinion of its spokesman (sic) and said Thailand now won't block Cambodia's effort to seek the status alone. It must be that way.
That is outrageous and annoying act. It is time to show our neighbours that we are not easy to be mistreated.
by Roatha ey, you copied from News, it's not your own word...
Haha Phalla san. I am getting a master soon. I know what is By Sb means.I know the copy right well. The article is just my view responding to the original article. I gave all the links to the original post and related article. Where could u prove that I copy fr sw? If u read it carefully u will see it is really raw and unprofessional. It is mine and unchecked. I don take any pride with the word by me. Just wanna express my ideas based on my knowlege and reading. Read it carefully. U will see...
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